Our "current" pour-over recipe

Have fun with our favorite go-to recipe for pour-overs. Either V60, Chemex or other gravity filter method, this one will give you a clean balanced cup...every time. The recipe listed is for a single cup.

  • Start by rinsing the paper filter with hot water in your filter holder.
  • Weigh out 15 grams of slight coarse grinded coffee.
  • Boil water to 194°F, perfect to bring out a bit more acidity and vibrancy.
  • We will do five simple pours of 50 gram each to a total of 250 gram.
  • Make circular motions for each pour, making sure to saturate the coffee bed evenly.
  • Let the first pour sit to bloom for about 30 seconds.
  • Then pour 50 gram every 30s, allowing the water to go through the coffee for each pour.
  • Optional: Give the vessel a quick swirl after the last pour to even out the coffee bed.

Total brew time should be between 2:30 and 3:00 minutes. Let the coffee sit for a minute after the brew is completed. This will help establish the aroma.